加州州立大学, 多明格斯山专业销售证书课程是一个虚拟讲师主导的在线课程,结合了销售技巧, 策略, 战术与现实世界的例子和场景,包括通过个人和团队练习的应用.
这9节课的课程将为学生提供必要任务的概述, 活动, 角色, and responsibilities of a sales professional. 通过使用光盘销售配置文件, the student will better understand their 出售ing and communication style, which is important today as 出售ing is done online, 面对面的, 通过多种技术. 该计划将详细解释战术和策略,包括一个成功的销售方法, and the skills required to effectively identify, 出售, 关闭机会.
在课程的最后阶段,学生们将有机会通过提交完整的客户策略工作表来展示他们对销售流程的了解, which they’ve been compiling after each session. 目标是为学生提供控制和推进销售周期所需的能力和信心,并了解销售专业人员在当今商业环境中的作用. 每个学生都将获得一份个性化的“账户策略工作表”。, applying the skills learned to a real-world sales opportunity. 重点将放在有效的沟通,包括个人沟通方式, 销售方法, listening skills and relationship building through the inclusion and use of the 光盘销售概况
专业销售课程提供了多种职业机会的广泛认识, 以及在面试销售职位时脱颖而出所需的知识. This program is targeted at the student who is not already a sales professional, or has yet to gain a basic working knowledge of sales principles and practices. Therefore, the program is great for:
Just about every industry has some type of sales job, but these are more typical.
Specific course goals and objectives, 每节课的学习成果都在适用的教学大纲中进行了描述. 如上所述, 在专业销售证书课程下,学习和技能发展有很强的进步.
This module outlines the overall Sales Call Process. 提供了每个步骤的快速概述和示例,以及有效管理流程中每个步骤所需的技能. Each step will then be expanded in greater detail. 在这个模块中,学生将完成在线DiSC销售档案,该档案将在整个课程中使用,以更好地了解学生的沟通和销售风格.
技能, 有效管理虚拟销售流程所需的策略和技术涵盖在本模块中:
This module reviews the 光盘销售概况, which was taken online prior to the session, 详细回顾. This provides the student with additional insight into the four 出售ing, (and communication) styles and will assist in analyzing strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement. 我们还将探讨客户和潜在客户的决策风格,以及它们如何影响销售周期的速度和管理.
本模块侧重于有效地开始销售过程所需要的销售技能. 涉及的技能包括:
本模块侧重于专业销售人员最有价值的工具之一——提出好问题和倾听的能力. 涉及的技能包括:
This module discusses skills required to become a business partner, 定位解决方案和销售价值. This is accomplished through an understanding of partnership 活动, 需要开发和定位适当的特征与确定的买家类型. 涉及的技能包括:
该模块回顾了每个销售电话都需要请求买方做出决定或承诺的基础. 还有一点需要强调的是,在今天的大多数销售环境中,我们经常不仅仅是完成一笔销售,而是开启一段关系. Therefore, the decision to move to a close must be beneficial to both parties. 涉及的技能包括:
本模块回顾了正确处理异议所需的技能,并进行了详细讨论, with a focus on the attitudes that often cause the objection. 本文给出了这些态度的例子,并讨论了一些策略,以便有效地处理我们最常见的一些反对意见. 涉及的技能包括:
本模块介绍 客户策略工作表 贯穿整个课程,将课堂技能与现实世界的应用联系起来. 每个学生将回顾他们的策略,并描述他们将如何计划和管理销售过程.
Course materials and handouts can be accessed by logging into Canvas, the Learning Management System (LMS) for 加州州立大学, Dominguez Hills. 学生在华南理工大学首次注册课程后,登录凭证将随注册确认一起发送. 查看 Canvas登录信息 开始吧.
如有任何技术问题,请致电基督教社会联盟DH IT服务台 310.243.2500 和/或 http://csudh.service-now.com/►
Note: as of the Fall 2025 term, course fees will be $318/unit.
特定课程的学期是基于课程结束的时间,而不是开始的时间. 例如, a course beginning in April and ending in July is a summer class, and you will find it in the summer schedule. 请检查当前学期和下学期,以确定您的所有时间表选择.
大多数证书课程的注册截止日期是在课程开始前四(4)个工作日或更早; course schedules are updated daily. 如果您感兴趣的课程不再显示在课程时间表中, please be aware that its registration deadline may have already passed, or the course may have already reached capacity. 检查 其他日期的时间表, or 注册程序更新 to be notified of upcoming classes.
When you're ready to register, select the " Add" button to the left of your desired course(s), and then select the " 车" to begin the Checkout process.
如果您想注册的课程有先决条件,在选择“Checkout”之后 & 支付”, you must Log In using your 基督教社会联盟DH campus credentials 以便系统可以验证您是否完成了所需的先决条件课程.